Sunday,2024. 10:00-19:00
Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba(simultaneous interpretation provided)
*Photos from previous conferences
This year we will again have
fascinating speakers, one after another,
from all over the world!!
Diversity Leads
The theme of the 29th International Conference for Women in Business is "Diversity Leads".
"Diversity leads" can have many meanings. It can mean “diversity creates the future'' or “diversity will lead us to a better future.” It can also mean that diversity is the best strategy. Starting a sentence with “Diversity leads to” allows us to customize how diversity will improve our own lives.
Diversity means "gathering diverse perspectives to achieve better results." In a diverse organization, innovation occurs, crises can be detected before they occur, and companies move forward and grow.
It is up to each individual to make this happen. An important element of a diverse organization is the individual’s mindset to increase his or her own awareness and skills, to be unafraid to propose ideas, to respect others, to accept diverse viewpoints, and to work with others to achieve greater results.
The 29th ICWB, which has been held online since 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, will held at a hotel venue for the first time in five years. The energy and passion at the venue is palpable. As we approach the big milestones of the 29th Conference and the 30th Conference in 2025, let’s all learn and grow and bring this new knowledge and energy back to lead diversity in our workplaces, our homes, and society.
Anyone can participate individually, even students. Approximately one in four participants are male. Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation is provided at your request. Please come to the venue as a place to learn and move forward in terms of both "organizational growth" and "individual growth." I look forward to meeting you on July 28th!
Program Outline for the 29th International Women's Business Conference
The 29th International Women's Business Conference will be held at the Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba for the first time in five years. The day will be a time of enthusiastic learning and connection from 10:00 am to around 6:30 pm.
The doors open at 9:00 a.m. Seating is unreserved, so lines begin to form around 8:00 a.m. each year. Please attend in business casual attire. The active networking prior to the day’s start adds to the atmosphere of the Conference.
The Conference begins at 10:00 and will proceed with simultaneous interpretation in the main hall until around 14:30. Participants are seated at round tables and listen to lectures and talk shows on a variety of topics.
This is one of the largest diversity conferences in Japan and it features accomplished speakers who cover a variety of topics. This exposure to diverse perspectives on careers, organizations, the global environment, product development, and international issues provides plenty of stimulation to motivate you.
During the course of the Conference, you will have a seated course luncheon and the chance to network with people seated at your table. At 14:30, you will have time to stop by the corporate booths in the foyer, purchase books from the speakers, and meet new people and reunite with old friends.
At 15:00, the discussions will be divided into four themes. The discussions are divided into three themes in Japanese only and two themes in English only, with no simultaneous interpretation. The panelists speak for about 30 minutes and then open the floor to Q&A and discussion with the participants, followed by a 10-minute summary of the roundtable.
From around 4:30 p.m. you can enter the hall for the Networking Party. At the party, there is a review of the day's events followed by networking among the participants as you enjoy a glass of wine and the hotel’s delicious buffet. Many participants have told us about the good friends they have made at this event. If you meet anyone at the Conference that you would like to consider for a lecture at your company or to be a director of your company, please let us know. We will firmly support you and help to make the arrangements.
For the past 28 years, we have had an average satisfaction rate of over 98%. The reason for this unprecedented statistic is that in addition to the excellent program and speakers, the participants are also wonderful. Your high aspirations and willingness to learn new things as well as the energy you create as you cultivate diversity in your own thoughts, words, and actions, fill the Conference with a positive atmosphere for over eight hours and inspire you long after the Conference ends.
At this 29th Conference, those of you who are looking for "wonderful encounters" must already be "wonderful people" yourselves. Please bring plenty of business cards with you to the Conference. Program details will be announced by late June. We look forward to meeting you there!Producer/Executive Committee Chair
Kaori Sasaki
Corporate Participants
- 野村ホールディングス株式会社
- 株式会社エージーピー
- 日本地震再保険株式会社
- 株式会社マルエツ
- 株式会社テレビ東京
- NECソリューションイノベータ株式会社
- 中外製薬株式会社
- 中外製薬工業株式会社
- 三菱商事株式会社
- 株式会社アシックス
- 株式会社みずほフィナンシャルグループ
- 三菱ふそうトラック
- バス株式会社

ewoman Inc.