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Ma Ying Hua

President, Tokyo Elevator Co., Ltd.

Ms. Ma was born in Dalian, China in 1965. She came to Japan in 1988 while a student at the Dalian University of Foreign Languages and then entered the Waseda University School of Law in 1990. She passed the Chinese bar exam in 1996 and joined an law firm in China in 1997. In 1999, she completed the Ph.D. program at the Graduate School of Law at Waseda University.
In 1997, Ms. Ma established Tokyo Elevator Co., Ltd. and took the position of Vice President. In 2004, she was appointed President. She also heads the Chinese Business Institute and established a law firm in Dalian, China, advising companies that are looking to advance into the China market. She also currently works as a corporate lawyer and consultant for many companies that have branched into China, including Tostem Housing Products (Dalian) Co., Ltd. In addition to her duties as president and legal consultant, she also speaks and lectures at companies and universities. Her books include "Profit and Pitfalls of the Latest Business in China" (Kobunsha) and "Mokuhyowa Yumewo Kanaeru Chikamichi (Goals are the Shortcut to Realizing Dreams)" (BKS). "Chinese lawyer MA's negotiation magic"(PHP)