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International Conference for Women in Business

The International Conference for Women in Business has been held every summer since 1996. The objective of this conference is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as business professionals today and to provide an opportunity for active exchange, stimulation from international perspectives, and mutual support among peers who share a strong determination to succeed.

The average rate of satisfaction among participants from the 1st conference through the 13th conference has consistently exceeded 98%, proving that this is a unique and high-caliber business conference for working women in Japan.

The reason for the high level of satisfaction of this one-day conference is the dynamic nature of the participants. Positive-minded people from all over Japan decide for themselves to participate in this conference, which is why the atmosphere is so comfortable. Approximately 60% of the participants come alone. Yet by the time the conference ends at 8 PM, many of the attendees have made new friends and established new connections.

The conference starts at 10 AM, but the venue is buzzing from 9 AM when the doors open. Over 1,000 participants are seated at round tables in the large banquet hall. The keynote and other speeches are full of inspiration and wisdom. (There is simultaneous interpretation for the main conference.) Participants also enjoy a seated lunch course skillfully prepared by the hotel chefs.

In the afternoon, attendees participate in two 90-minute workshop sessions of their choice. In the working sessions with prominent leaders, question-and-answer sessions and discussions with participants are very fulfilling. In the evening, there is an extravagant buffet-style party where the participants meet to eat, drink, converse and exchange business cards. Attendees can also buy books authored by the speakers and check out the Conference sponsors’ booths in the lobby.

Anyone can participate; entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, business owners, freelance professionals, and those who thrive in public or private organizations all attend to gain inspiration, meet old friends, and make new ones. Of course, men may also participate. The youngest participant so far was a high school girl who came with her mother. The oldest was an 80 year-old man. We look forward to seeing you at the site.

This Year's Conference

"Act outside the box
- Taking Chances with Innovation -"

"Act outside the box" means to think and act creatively without being constrained by convention. To be outside the box is to release yourself from traditional customs and concepts and consider a completely different viewpoint. It’s also an important thinking exercise in the process of practicing diversity. During this conference, we will provide opportunities to think creatively from a variety of angles.

This July 18th will be a very special day of the year for all 1200 of us who will participate in the Conference. I can already imagine the positive energy from so many like-minded people from across Japan and the world gathered in one place to share their dreams and passions and to move forward together. I look forward to meeting you there.

Kaori Sasaki, Chair
Committee for the International Conference for Women in Business


The Conference is open for anyone with spirit and high motivation to move forward and improve her/his skills in the professional career and personal life.

Participants come from various background; office workers, corporate managers, entrepreneurs, freelancers, academics and professors, lawyers, SOHO workers, physicians, engineers, etc. The age ranging is from late teens to seventies and the majority of participants are in their 30’s and 40’s.

Students, men, and those who are currently unemployed are also sincerely welcome to attend the Conference.

Date & Venue
Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009
Venue: GRAND PACIFIC TOKYO LE DAIBA (Special Rate/Discount)
(Formaly Le MERIDIEN GRAND PACIFIC TOKYO / From June 1, the hotel’s name has been changed.)
2-6-1, Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Tel 03-5500-6711
*Daiba Station on the Yurikamome Line [Access Map]
Door’s Opening: 09:00
Opening: 10:00
  • All seats, including for workshops, are non-reserved seats.
  • Yurikamome and other transportation lines are predicted to be very crowded on the day. To avoid the crowd and long queue, we strongly recommend you to arrange an extra time and depart early.

  1. Please register from this web site. Before filling in the registration form, please make sure to read "Please Note the Following" which appears below on this web page.
  2. The conference consists of three parts: the speeches in the morning, the workshops in the afternoon, and the networking reception in the evening. The workshops are divided into two sessions. Please choose one from each session. For further details, please see Program.
  3. Upon receipt of your application, “the note of confirmation” will be automatically e-mailed to you. (In case you do not have an e-mail account we will fax or post the confirmation letter within 24 hours on working days.)
  4. Within a week of receiving the confirmation note, please complete the bank remittance by following the directions on the note.
  5. If you do not receive “the note of confirmation” after 30 minutes of your registering, please notify at the Secretariat.
Please Note the Following
  1. Registration will not be confirmed until the payment is received. Registration is on a first-come first-served basis and will close as soon as capacity is reached.
  2. The registration fee is non-refundable.
  3. The applicant is responsible for the bank remittance fee.
  4. Please make sure to make the remittance under the name of the applicant on the registration form.
Registration Form

Registration Fee
Registration fee includes the morning speeches, the hotel course lunch, the workshops, and the buffet-style networking reception.

Paid by
July 10

Paid after
July 11
JPY 38,000 JPY 49,000

* Registration will not be confirmed until the payment is received.
* Please note that if the payment is not received until the payment’s deadline, your registration might be canceled.
* Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and will close when capacity is reached.
* The registration fee is non-refundable. If you wish to change the participant’s name, please contact the Secretariat beforehand.

Kids Room

Please contact at the secretariat for details.

For more information, please contact at the Secretariat.
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