Rafael Diez de Medina

Chief Statistician and Director, Department of Statistics, International Labour Organization


Uruguayan and Spanish, he graduated in Economics and Statistics, obtaining his Master in Economics and Econometrics in UDELAR (Uruguay) and PhD in Statistics and Econometrics (CIENES, Chile) Director of the Household Surveys Division in the National Statistical Office (Uruguay), Regional Advisor in Labour Markets with the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Special Advisor to the Executive Secretary, Technical Coordinator and Director of the ECLAC’s Montevideo office, working intensively at the regional level in technical assistance to all National Statistical offices, especially focused on household surveys, income and expenditures surveys, living standards surveys and poverty assessments.
He participated actively in the harmonization of labour and poverty statistics jointly working with the World Bank and the Inter-American Bank in the MECOVI project, as well as in the Household Surveys Capability Programme of the UN Statistical Division. He has worked as consultant to the World Bank, the IADB, FAO, UNDP, UNIDO, GTZ, IOM, ILO, EC, UNFPA, ALADI, etc.
He has taught Statistics, Sampling Techniques and Econometrics at many universities in Latin America and the Caribbean, having authored several books and publications in statistical methods and applied time series. He worked extensively in qualitative models and in labour econometrics.
Since 2003, he joined the International Labour Organization (ILO) as Senior Economist in the Policy Integration Department in Geneva, Senior Advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean in the Office of the Director General and as Chief Statistician and Director of the ILO Department of Statistics, based in Geneva, Switzerland.