Reiko Abe, Ph.D.

President Director, Oriental Consultants Global Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. Abe has worked as a civil engineer and a project management specialist for over 25 years. As president of Oriental Consultants Global in India since 2014, she manages Indian railway, road & bridge, energy, and other construction projects. She is currently project manager of underground for the Ahmedabad Metro Project in India.

She has 10 years of experience in the design of large-scale underground structures, railway construction, and road tunnels in Japan, and extensive experience in the construction of underground power stations, high speed railways and undersea tunnels, including tunnels in Norway, Taiwan, China, Qatar, and India.

Previously, Ms. Abe was responsible for project management and quality assurance for the Delhi Metro Project and Bangalore Metro Project for 6 years and worked on Maintenance & Operations for Jakarta’s MRT Project. Additionally, she worked on the feasibility study of Kiev’s MRT Project in Ukraine, the Abandoned Chemical Weapons Destruction Project in China, and Taiwan’s High-Speed Railway Project.