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Machiko Osawa

Professor, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, Japan Women's University

Ms. Osawa graduated from the Faculty of Letters, Seikei University and earned a Ph.D. in economics from Southern Illinois University. Previously, she was a Hewlett Fellow at the University of Chicago and held associate professorships at the University of Michigan and at Asia University. She specializes in labor economics.

Ms. Osawa has served on numerous government committees including the Special Research Committee for Work and Life Balance (Cabinet Office), the Statistics Council, the Industrial Structure Committee (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry), the Profession's Stability Subcommittee (Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare), and the Board of Advisors for Economic and Financial Affairs (Cabinet Office).

Her books include "Economic Change and Female Labor" (Nikkeihyoronsha), "Economics for the New Family" (Chuo-koronsha), "The Future of Labor-Comparison of Atypical Labor in Japan, Europe and the US (Editor, Japan Institute for Labor Research), "The Era of Business Community" (Iwanami-shoten), "Work-Life Balanced Society" (Iwanami Shoten), and "21st Century's Women and Career" (Hoso-daigaku).