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Joanna Sook Ja Park

Work/Life Consultant
Appassionata, Inc.
ewoman Survey Caster

Ms. Park is a Korean national who was born in Japan. She graduated from the Economics Department, University of Pennsylvania, and obtained an MBA from the University of Chicago. She then worked in the US and Japan for five years at a US-based company. Having studied language at Yonsei University in Korea, she was subsequently employed by a US transport company in Japan. Her work involved personnel management in Japan and the Asia-Pacific region, and the planning and implementation of training programs for specialists and managerial-level personnel. She left the company in February 2000 and in December 2000 established Appassionata, Inc. becoming Japan's first work/life consultant. In recent years, Ms. Park has been working to promote diversity. She is the author of "Workaholics crush companies: proposals on achieving a work/life balance" (Asahi Sensho).